SPMD Control {pbdMPI}R Documentation

Sets of controls in pbdMPI.


These sets of controls are used to provide default values in this package.


Objects contain several parameters for communicators and methods.


The elements of .pbd_env$SPMD.CT are default values for controls including

Elements Default Usage
comm 0L a communicator index
intercomm 2L an inter communicator index
info 0L an info index
newcomm 1L a new communicator index
op "sum" an operation
port.name "spmdport" an operation
print.all.rank FALSE if all ranks print message
print.quiet FALSE if print/cat rank information
rank.root 0L a rank of root
rank.source 0L a rank of source
rank.dest 1L a rank of destination
request 0L a request index
serv.name "spmdserv" a service name
status 0L a status index
tag 0L a tag number
unlist FALSE if unlist returning
divide.method "block" a way to divide jobs or data
mpi.finalize TRUE if shutdown MPI
quit TRUE if quit when errors occur
msg.flush TRUE if flush message for comm.cat/comm.print
msg.barrier TRUE if barrier message for comm.cat/comm.print
Rprof.all.rank FALSE if call Rprof on all ranks
lazy.check TRUEE if use lazy check on all ranks

The elements of .pbd_env$SPMD.OP list the implemented operations for reduce() and allreduce(). Currently, four operations are implemented "sum", "prod", "max", and "min".

The elements of .SPMD.IO are default values for input and output including

Elements Default Usage
max.read.size 5.2e6 max of reading size (5 MB)
max.test.lines 500 max of testing lines
read.method "gbd" default reading method
balance.method "block" default load balance method

where balance.method is only used for "gbd" reading method when nrows = -1 and skip = 0 are set.

The elements of .pbd_env$SPMD.TP are default values mainly for task pull including

Elements Default Usage
bcast FALSE if bcase() objects to all ranks
barrier TRUE if call barrier() for all ranks
try TRUE if use try() in works
try.silent FALSE if silent the try() message
See task.pull() for details.


Wei-Chen Chen wccsnow@gmail.com, George Ostrouchov, Drew Schmidt, Pragneshkumar Patel, and Hao Yu.


Programming with Big Data in R Website: http://r-pbd.org/

[Package pbdMPI version 0.3-1 Index]